Prayer for Jack

This morning, our family went to church together.  Might not sound like a big deal, but it was!  Today was Jack's dedication and Jeff and I were so thankful that everyone could be there.

Jack looked super cute in his little smocked bubble suit!  I must brag...I got it at the JBF sale for $10, and it was a $50 outfit!  Since it's been in the 70's here for the past week, I thought we'd be fine with the bubble suit.  Of course, Texas weather, it snowed last night.  Really?  Seeing that this was a possiblilty, I ran out to get some tights and a sweater on Friday afternoon...which I was really glad to have this morning! 

There are so many babies Jack's age at church!  He was among 6 babies to be dedicated this morning.  What a blessing it was to stand in front of the church of 5 of Jack's sure to be best friends, and moms and dads who will all raise their children together to the glory of the Lord.  It was wonderful! 

Each set of parents had prepared a prayer for their child, and each father stood before the church and read it aloud.  It was amazing to hear the words of the fathers, pleading with the Lord on behalf of their child. 

Jeff and I sat down to write our prayer for Jack on Thursday evening.  We spent about 45 minutes working on it, and felt really good about what we had written!  And then....I accidently deleted it.  Somehow cleared the screen!!  I was relatively calm when I realized that the program had an auto save...until I saw it auto saving the cleared screen.  Are you kidding me? 

After a few deep breaths, and a realization that now we had another chance to think one more time about what we would want to pray for Jack, we rewrote our prayer, and quickly printed it!  Our goal was for it to be a prayer that we could pray for Jack for the rest of his life. 

Prayer for Jack

Heavenly Father, we thank you for Jack. We are humbled to have this privilege of standing before both our biological family and our church family. We stand in awe at how far you have brought Molly and me. Thank you for the gift we know we have in our child. Our prayer is that he would know you and love you...that the Holy Spirit would draw Him to You and that Jack would grow up into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Though Jack will suffer and go through trials, we pray he would lean on His heavenly Father first in perseverance, which leads to a hope that does not disappoint. We pray Jack would know that your love does not revolve around his doing this perfectly, but around Your grace. May your gospel guide his life on mission in service to those around him.
Lord, we pray that Jack would see his parents abide in You and make You the center of our home. Give me strength to lead and pastor our home well...and give Molly strength to respond in loving kindness as she cares for our home. Have Jack see repentance and forgiveness in our home as the that he will repent and forgive others as You have commanded. We pray that Jack knows deeply the love his parents have for him, but knows also that he is not the center of our home....You are. As Jack grows..and our family grows...we pray that he would be a gracious leader to his siblings. According to Your will, as Jack becomes a man, we pray for him to be a godly husband and father himself.
You died that we may be saved...may we die to ourselves that Jack may see You and Your glory.


Kristi said...

So I wrote you a comment and then didn't realized I needed to do the code deal and lost it. Goodness!

That is great that you guys dedicated Jack at church today. That is a wonderful prayer that you two can continually pray for Jack. He is just precious and the picture of you three is too cute! :)

Matthew French said...

Yo. We forgot to tell you that Brad videotaped the whole baby dedication for us and anyone else who wants it, and wanted to let you know that if you want a copy we can make you one. Just let us know. :)